a brotherhood, a community and a movement

Our Mission: To Guide Men Toward Their Deepest Life’s Purpose

We’re Building Something Different

We set out to unite men in a space that encourages one to embrace their masculinity. We do so by sharing knowledge on the difficulties we face today, and fostering a community where strength, integrity, and accountability are held to the highest standard. Join our brotherhood and help this movement grow.

“perhaps happiness is always to be found in the journey uphill, and not in the fleeting sense of satisfaction awaiting at the next peak”

Jordan Peterson, 12 Rules for Life

Daily Mindfulness Habit:


Breathe Deep. “Your belly and lower abdomen are special places of power. If your breath does not reach these areas, you can’t recharge your batteries. You will feel weak and unsure of yourself. Your effect in the world will be minimal, less than your full potential.”

David Deida, Author of The Way of the Superior Man.

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